• Slinda 4mg 28 Tab
إسم الصنف: Slinda 4mg 28 Tab
الكود: 32010110
حجم العبوة: 28 Tab الشركة الصانعة: Exletis
المادة الفعالة: Drosperinone الفئة: Prescription Products
التركيز: 4 mg العلامة التجارية: Slinda
الشكل الصيدلاني: Solid DF التسلسل: ********
التصنيفات الفرعية: Gynecology Products


حبوب منع الحمل الوحيدة الخالية من الاستروجين والذي تحتوي على هرمون drosperinone  مع 4 ايام راحة خالية من الهرمونات بنظام 24+4, لا يسبب زيادة في الوزن, يعالج ويمنع ظهور حب الشباب والشعر الغير مرغوب به, فعالية عالية مشابهة لحبوب منع الحمل التقليدية , آمن للمرضعات   

دواعي الاستخدام:

مانع حمل

كيفية الاستخدام:

حبة واحدة يوميا وصف كامل




Progestogen-only contraceptives (POCs) like Slinda should not be used in the presence of any of the conditions listed below. Should any of the conditions appear for the first time during Slinda use, the medicinal product should be discontinued immediately

 Active venous thromboembolic disorder

  • Presence or history of severe hepatic disease as long as liver function values have not returned to normal
  • Severe renal insufficiency or acute renal failure
  • Known or suspected sex-steroid sensitive malignancies.
  • Undiagnosed vaginal bleeding.
  • Hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the excipients

Undesirable effects:

Changes in the bleeding pattern was an adverse reaction frequently reported in the clinical trials

The most commonly reported adverse reactions in long-term clinical trials of more than 9 cycles of treatment with (2,700 women) were acne (3.8%), metrorrhagia (2.9%), headache (2.7%) and breast pain (2.2%)

Common side effect ≥ 1/100 to < 1/10:

Libido disorder Mood disturbances, Headache, Nausea Abdominal pain, Acne, Breast discomfort Metrorrhagia Vaginal haemorrhage Dysmenorrhea Menstruation irregular, Weight increased

Uncommon (≥ 1/1,000 to < 1/100):

Vaginal infection, Uterine leiomyoma, Anaemia, Hypersensitivity, Appetite disorder Hyperkalaemia, Anxiety symptoms Depression Depressed mood, Dizziness, Hot flush Hypertension, Vomiting Diarrhoea Constipation, Alopecia Hyperhidrosis Rash Seborrhoea Pruritus Dermatitis, Amenorrhoea Menstrual disorders Pelvic pain Ovarian cyst Vulvovaginal dryness Vaginal discharge, Fatigue Oedema peripheral, Transaminases increased Blood bilirubin increased Blood creatine phosphokinase increased GammaGlutamyltransferase increased Blood triglycerides increased

Rare (≥ 1/10,000 to < 1/1,000):

Polyuria, Breast cyst Cervical dysplasia Galactorrohoea Vulvovaginal pruritus, Weight decreased

Dosage and administration:

One tablet is to be taken daily for 28 consecutive days, one white active tablet daily during the first 24 days and one green inactive tablet daily during the 4 following days

الباركود: 0
تاريخ الانتهاء:

سعر الجمهور: 9.67 دينار
